Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Proof of Vote Fraud in New Hampshire

Yes, I knew it as I watched the MSM PROPAGANDA PRODUCTION last night to get the percentages.

Here's the confirmation of the STOLEN VOTE in NEW HAMPSHIRE!!!!


Something the MSM

Which is why I have given up on AmeriKa's MSM.

No purchase, no posts.

Sticking with the BLOGS now (until they shut that down, too)!

"Voter Fraud Against Paul Confirmed in Sutton, N.H.

Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
January 8, 2008

According to a post this evening on the Ron Paul Forums, vote fraud occurred in Sutton, New Hampshire:

Sutton with 100% reporting reported 0 votes for paul but poster in Sutton posted:

My mom, aunt, and dad all voted for RP today in my hometown, My mom and aunt both work passing out ballots, and checking them off. I just looked at the politico map and it says their town has ZERO votes for Ron. Now i know that there isn’t corruption on voting in that little town, so where they reported it must be. What do I do, anyone know???

Originally Posted by sstjean View Post
This was posted to ronpaul-801 tonight: “This town numbers are wrong wrong wrong on this map. I am from Sutton originally and my parents and one a! unt all voted for Ron Paul today and Sutton says 0. So this is! wrong. This is a town that had 20 people counting the ballots and I have no reason to believe that they cheated. Small town and I was born and raised there. The real numbers will come in by morning. The electronic machines in the big towns are the ones we have to worry about.”

Earlier in the day, Brad Blog reported other suspicious behavior:

Our Spidey-sense started tingling before going to bed last night and hearing reports, on MSNBC, that there were 17 paper ballots cast in Dixville Notch, NH’s midnight, first-in-the-country voting. The report said that there were only 16 registered voters in the tiny voting precinct, yet 17 votes had been cast — suggesting that somehow, paper ballot “voter fraud” skullduggery was afoot.

Brad, however, believes the story is easily debunked:

Given that one of those! reports seems to have begun on The DRUDGE REPORT earlier today, we’re not particularly surprised that the MSM kept repeating the easily-debunked stories running all day.

That, even while there are reasons to be concerned about how the paper ballots used in the New Hampshire Primary will actually be counted by the hackable Diebold optical-scan systems used in the state, as controlled and programmed by an outrageously bad private contractor there.

Of course, there is plenty of room for hank-panky, as Michael Collins notes:

81% of New Hampshire ballots are counted in secret by a private corporation named Diebold Election Systems (now known as “Premier”). The elections run on these machines are programmed by one company, LHS Associates, based in Methuen, MA. We know nothing about the people programming ! these machines, and we know even less about LHS Associates. We! know ev en less about the secret vote counting software used to tabulate 81% of our ballots. People like to say “but we use paper ballots! They can always be counted by hand!”

But they’re not. They’re counted by Diebold. Only a candidate can request a hand recount, and most never do so. And a rigged election can easily become a rigged recount, as we learned in Ohio 2004, where two election officials were convicted of rigging their recount….

In short, the stage was set by Diebold and Republican operatives to rig yet another election, as the above first-hand account seems to indicate."

Need a SECOND-SOURCE, America?

Got it (watch video)!!!

"Caller to C-SPAN concerning Sutton County Ron Paul votes."

Yeah, thanks, NEXT CALL!!!!


How about a THIRD SOURCE, readers?

"Obama & Paul robbed of *some* votes? Vote fraud in New Hampshire where 80% rely on Diebold"

Caller tells C-SPAN about electronic voting in Sutton County, New Hampshire (1 min)

Rigged elections exposed by a programmer sworn to testify in court (YouTube, 12 min)

Black Box Voting: Silvestro the cat & the New Hampshire election (YT, 10 min)

Update Brad Blog: NH Primary: Pre-Election Polls Wildly Different Than Results Announced for Clinton/Obama

The Contrarian: Do NH Primary Statistics Show Election Fraud?

ABC News blog: New Hampshire's Polling Fiasco

RonRox 2008 New Hampshire State Primary Results with percentage & vote total difference: Republican & Democrat

Thomas Paine.com article: Stealing The 2008 Vote, August 29, 2007


Needless to say, I was surprised Hillary Clinton won the primary contrary to the preliminary poll placing Obama ahead of Clinton. I stand by my previous post preemptively celebrating Hilla! ry's loss in the primaries, derailing her bid for the White Ho! use.

Vote fraud is suspected in the New England state where the motto "Live Free or Die" compliment the state's supposedly fierce libertarianism and independence as reported by the Ron Paul supporters who were there at the polls only to find out, to their disbelief, their votes did not count in the result.

The complaint is as follows posted on DailyPaul forum...

Very fishy in one town, my hometown!!!

Posted January 9th, 2008 by asnitko

My mom, aunt, and dad all voted for RP today in my hometown, My mom and aunt both work passing out ballots, and checking them off. I just looked at the politico map and it says their town has ZERO votes for Ron. Now i know that there isn't corruption on voting in that little town, so where they reported it must be. What do I do, anyone know???

CNN Republican primary result link, scroll to the bottom of the page

(click on the first two pictures for enlargement)

The Politico New Hampshire report, with Sutton County precinct 100% complete (link)

Someone over at RonPaulForums.com used his knowledge of statistics to examine the 0% vote in Sutton County:

I am a wall street quantitative analyst, I d! ecided to do a simple statistical significance
test of Ro! n Paul r eceiving 0 votes in Sutton County.

First, the facts:
Sutton county: 378 votes cast
Ron Paul average across the state: 0.0774

We will use a binomial distribution (as n is not very large).
We will assume that this county is representative of the averages of the rest of the state.

Probability that Ron Paul receives a vote: 0.0774
Probability that he does not: 1 - 0.0774

According to a simple binomial distribution probability calculator:

The probability that Ron Paul receives "0" votes: 0.000

The actual probability is greater than zero, but less than 1e-3. An exceedingly small number.

With an approximately 50% probability, Ron Paul should have received roughly 28-29 vote! s.

This is statistically extremely improbable. The binomial assumption is valid. The assumption that can't be validated, however, is that this county is representative of the entire state.

There is definitely something fishy going on. Statisticians, physicists, etc. please feel free to contribute.

Check out the detailed Google map for Ron Paul in percentage per county in NH.

Kurt Nimmo reports on this outrage at length -- Voter Fraud Against Paul Confirmed in Sutton, N.H.

Vigilant blogger Brad Blog has an old post from 2006 that reports Diebold's complicity in conspiracy to commit fraud and tampering in the post titled EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower Stephen Heller Says 'Diebold Cannot be Trusted to Run Elections in A! merica'

In relation to this revelation, Cleveland Plains Dealer reported Diebold CEO, connected with the campaign to re-elect Bush/Cheney, pledged to commit to give the majority of the votes to Bush/Cheney in 2004 election. Not surprisingly, Ohio, as explained in depth by Michael Rivero and Greg Palast in his best-selling book "Armed Madhouse", turned over to Bush defying the 'law' of statistics in comparison to exit polls that indicate Kerry won the counties by a slight margin.

As for Barack Obama and possibly other Democratic candidates like John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel (I know Gravel doesn't stand a chance due to the deliberate media blackout, but I applaud him for persevering), I think Obama might very well have lost some votes due to corrupting process courtesy of Diebold, as Boston Globe reports the volunteers for Paul and Obama were forcibly removed from some precincts for failing to produce proper credentials in NH.

America is destined to be doomed when the Big Rig occurs again come this November and the citizenry is not moved by the outrageous news of vote fraud.

Voter apathy towards confirmed news of fraud and corruption has its price in oppression by unfair taxation without representation, state terrorism and slavery, death and misery. "Live free or die," indeed.


With comments:

"America thy name is Fraud

Well what did you expect? A victory for a person who speaks the truth in a land ruled by liars, crooks, and Zionists?

With the Rothschilds pumping heavy money into Hillary's campaign, did you expect that anyone else besides Hillary will be the democractic party nominee?

In the end it will be warmongers McCain or Giulliani and Hillary facing off each other. Barack Obama has been thrown into the ring to fool the world into believing that America is a non-racist democratic country."

"Nepos Libertas re Diebold

Unrelated side note...

I notice that on November 17th, 2005, an anonymous Internet user deleted fifteen paragraphs from a Wikipedia article on Diebold, removing an entire section critical of Diebold machines, and of Diebold’s CEO’s contributions to Bush. The changes came from an IP address reserved for Dieb! old’s corporate offices.

A new data-mining service traces millions of Wikipedia entries to their corporate sources.

"Wikipedia Scanner" was inspired by news that Congress members' offices had been editing their own entries.

Its designer --Virgil Griffith-- found that in a database of 34.4 million wikipedia edits, 2.6 million were performed by organizations or individuals ranging from the CIA to Microsoft to Congressional offices.


Diebold was once known for making safes and ATMs. The company got ito electronic voting machines by purchasing Global Election Systems in 2002. Now the company has more than 25,000 optical scan units and more than 126,000 touch-screen voting machines in use around the USA.

Diebold's evil is so well known that the company was obliged to recently change its name to Premier Election S! olutions Inc."

"Nepos Libertas

I searched web sites for the New Hampshire primary results. Every web site says simply that Hillary and McCain won. MSNBC says Ron Paul got ZERO votes.

The media does this in order to make Paul supporters stay home, feeling helpless.

Reuters is the only web site (out of hundreds) that gives a New Hampshire breakdown…


John McCain 86,551 - 37%
Mitt Romney 73,681- 32%
Mike Huckabee 25,958 - 11%
Rudy Giuliani 20,009 - 9%
Ron Paul 17,788 - 8%
Fred Thompson 2,796 1%


Hillary Clinton 110,172 - 39%
Barack Obama 102,409 - 36%
John Edwards 47,650 - 17%
Bill Richardson 12,936 - 5%
Dennis Kucinich 3,841 - 1%

Whether or n! ot Diebold is playing games, the media is working overtime to put Hillary in the White House."

"Nepos (again)

SFGate gives a partial breakdown.

I scanned more web sites. None gives a breakdown of the results.

Slick, huh?

Of course, none of us are surprised."

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable" -- John F. Kennedy"

That's where we are headed, America.

I see no way out, not after last night's election steal.

The litany of crimes and corrupt institutions is nearly ! endless, and the MSM propaganda so pervasive that this country has no hope.

Apologies and Good-Byes, world.

America is AMERIKA NOW!!!!

Binomial probability calculator

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